Supply Chain Mapping Software

Gain Full Supply Chain Visibility: Map, Trace & Verify Every Tier

Supply Chain Mapping Software

Gain Full Supply Chain Visibility: Map, Trace & Verify Every Tier

Supply Chain Mapping Software

Gain Full Supply Chain Visibility: Map, Trace & Verify Every Tier


Know your suppliers' suppliers

Supply chain mapping gives companies visibility into their indirect supply chains down to the origin of raw materials - in other words, it allows companies to know their suppliers' suppliers. Since introducing the first software for supply chain mapping in 2011 Sourcemap has expanded a suite of software and services to enable continuous, verifiable supply chain mapping across a multitude of industries.


Know your suppliers' suppliers

Supply chain mapping gives companies visibility into their indirect supply chains down to the origin of raw materials - in other words, it allows companies to know their suppliers' suppliers. Since introducing the first software for supply chain mapping in 2011 Sourcemap has expanded a suite of software and services to enable continuous, verifiable supply chain mapping across a multitude of industries.


Know your suppliers' suppliers

Supply chain mapping gives companies visibility into their indirect supply chains down to the origin of raw materials - in other words, it allows companies to know their suppliers' suppliers. Since introducing the first software for supply chain mapping in 2011 Sourcemap has expanded a suite of software and services to enable continuous, verifiable supply chain mapping across a multitude of industries.


Supplier and Sub-Supplier Portal

Sourcemap features a central supply chain mapping portal that enables large numbers of suppliers to quickly and accurately identify and locate all of their own and their suppliers' facilities. Sourcemap's supplier portal provides a single point of access for all suppliers to respond to customer requests for mapping and traceability data using a standard data format and without any duplication of efforts. Where needed, Sourcemap invites sub-suppliers to register and map their own supply chains to arrive at the raw material origins. The same portal works for mapping and tracing bulk commodities and specialized manufactured goods across all industries with a physical supply chain. Sourcemap is used by raw materials producers, traders, manufacturers, contract manufacturers, distributors, retailers.


Supplier and Sub-Supplier Portal

Sourcemap features a central supply chain mapping portal that enables large numbers of suppliers to quickly and accurately identify and locate all of their own and their suppliers' facilities. Sourcemap's supplier portal provides a single point of access for all suppliers to respond to customer requests for mapping and traceability data using a standard data format and without any duplication of efforts. Where needed, Sourcemap invites sub-suppliers to register and map their own supply chains to arrive at the raw material origins. The same portal works for mapping and tracing bulk commodities and specialized manufactured goods across all industries with a physical supply chain. Sourcemap is used by raw materials producers, traders, manufacturers, contract manufacturers, distributors, retailers.


Supplier and Sub-Supplier Portal

Sourcemap features a central supply chain mapping portal that enables large numbers of suppliers to quickly and accurately identify and locate all of their own and their suppliers' facilities. Sourcemap's supplier portal provides a single point of access for all suppliers to respond to customer requests for mapping and traceability data using a standard data format and without any duplication of efforts. Where needed, Sourcemap invites sub-suppliers to register and map their own supply chains to arrive at the raw material origins. The same portal works for mapping and tracing bulk commodities and specialized manufactured goods across all industries with a physical supply chain. Sourcemap is used by raw materials producers, traders, manufacturers, contract manufacturers, distributors, retailers.


Continuous Mapping

Supply chains are constantly changing, and Sourcemap's supply chain mapping portal is the only one to support continuous mapping. Suppliers and sub-suppliers at every tier are responsible for keeping their supply chain maps up-to-date and responding to traceability requests on a schedule set by production batches and contracting periods. Continuous mapping combined with supplier watchlist and news monitoring ensures that customers of Sourcemap have a near real-time understanding of their risk exposure across their entire global supply chains.


Continuous Mapping

Supply chains are constantly changing, and Sourcemap's supply chain mapping portal is the only one to support continuous mapping. Suppliers and sub-suppliers at every tier are responsible for keeping their supply chain maps up-to-date and responding to traceability requests on a schedule set by production batches and contracting periods. Continuous mapping combined with supplier watchlist and news monitoring ensures that customers of Sourcemap have a near real-time understanding of their risk exposure across their entire global supply chains.


Continuous Mapping

Supply chains are constantly changing, and Sourcemap's supply chain mapping portal is the only one to support continuous mapping. Suppliers and sub-suppliers at every tier are responsible for keeping their supply chain maps up-to-date and responding to traceability requests on a schedule set by production batches and contracting periods. Continuous mapping combined with supplier watchlist and news monitoring ensures that customers of Sourcemap have a near real-time understanding of their risk exposure across their entire global supply chains.


Supply Chain Verification

Supply chain data provided by suppliers cannot be taken at face value, instead Sourcemap verifies the supply chain map continuously through integrity checks and cross-referencing with third-party databases including supplier registries and international watchlists. Supply chain mapping is enhanced by transaction traceability to provide real-time accounting for all transactions and additional assurance of no fraud, waste or abuse in the supply chain.


Supply Chain Verification

Supply chain data provided by suppliers cannot be taken at face value, instead Sourcemap verifies the supply chain map continuously through integrity checks and cross-referencing with third-party databases including supplier registries and international watchlists. Supply chain mapping is enhanced by transaction traceability to provide real-time accounting for all transactions and additional assurance of no fraud, waste or abuse in the supply chain.


Supply Chain Verification

Supply chain data provided by suppliers cannot be taken at face value, instead Sourcemap verifies the supply chain map continuously through integrity checks and cross-referencing with third-party databases including supplier registries and international watchlists. Supply chain mapping is enhanced by transaction traceability to provide real-time accounting for all transactions and additional assurance of no fraud, waste or abuse in the supply chain.


Supplier Engagement

Sourcermap has more than a decade of experience in deploying large-scale large-scale supply chain mapping in new industries. The process is supported every step of the way by an expert international supplier engagement team responsible for every stage of mapping including onboarding, training, technical support, and ongoing reminders to keep the supply chain map up-to-date.


Supplier Engagement

Sourcermap has more than a decade of experience in deploying large-scale large-scale supply chain mapping in new industries. The process is supported every step of the way by an expert international supplier engagement team responsible for every stage of mapping including onboarding, training, technical support, and ongoing reminders to keep the supply chain map up-to-date.


Supplier Engagement

Sourcermap has more than a decade of experience in deploying large-scale large-scale supply chain mapping in new industries. The process is supported every step of the way by an expert international supplier engagement team responsible for every stage of mapping including onboarding, training, technical support, and ongoing reminders to keep the supply chain map up-to-date.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is supply chain mapping?

People have been mapping supply chains as long as they’ve been making maps. But traditional maps only provide a summary view - they don't show how supply chains change in real time. Modern supply chain mapping is the process of engaging across companies and suppliers to document the exact source of every material, every process and every shipment involved in bringing goods to market. Accurate supply chain mapping only became possible with the rise of online maps and the social web. The first online supply chain mapping platform was developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2008 (the underlying open source technology is the basis for Sourcemap). Read More

Why are companies moving towards more transparent supply chains?

The concept of supply chain transparency was virtually unknown 15 years ago, yet today it commands the attention of mid- and senior-level managers across a broad spectrum of companies and industries.

The reasons for this increased interest are clear: Companies are under pressure from governments, consumers, NGOs, and other stakeholders to divulge more information about their supply chains, and the reputational cost of failing to meet these demands can be high. For example, food companies are facing more demand for supply-chain-related information about ingredients, food fraud, animal welfare, and child labor. Less clear, however, is how to define transparency in a supply chain context and the extent to which companies should pursue it: an MIT study that mapped definitions of supply chain transparency related to labor practices in the apparel industry found vastly different definitions across organizations.

How are customs compliance and supply chain mapping related?

Companies are under increased pressure from governments and regulators to ensure that their products are compliant with human rights and environmental standards. The only way for companies to ensure their supply chains are "clean" is by mapping their supply chains down the raw materials using auditable, verifiable data.

What is the difference between the upstream and downstream supply chain?

Downstream is logistics. Where are the pair of sneakers that I ordered, and when will they arrive from the warehouse to the store? Sourcemap is not a logistics solution provider.

Sourcemap maps the end to end upstream supply chain. Where was the leather sourced that was used to make that pair of sneakers, and how many suppliers did that pair of sneakers have to go through as it was being made?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is supply chain mapping?

People have been mapping supply chains as long as they’ve been making maps. But traditional maps only provide a summary view - they don't show how supply chains change in real time. Modern supply chain mapping is the process of engaging across companies and suppliers to document the exact source of every material, every process and every shipment involved in bringing goods to market. Accurate supply chain mapping only became possible with the rise of online maps and the social web. The first online supply chain mapping platform was developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2008 (the underlying open source technology is the basis for Sourcemap). Read More

Why are companies moving towards more transparent supply chains?

The concept of supply chain transparency was virtually unknown 15 years ago, yet today it commands the attention of mid- and senior-level managers across a broad spectrum of companies and industries.

The reasons for this increased interest are clear: Companies are under pressure from governments, consumers, NGOs, and other stakeholders to divulge more information about their supply chains, and the reputational cost of failing to meet these demands can be high. For example, food companies are facing more demand for supply-chain-related information about ingredients, food fraud, animal welfare, and child labor. Less clear, however, is how to define transparency in a supply chain context and the extent to which companies should pursue it: an MIT study that mapped definitions of supply chain transparency related to labor practices in the apparel industry found vastly different definitions across organizations.

How are customs compliance and supply chain mapping related?

Companies are under increased pressure from governments and regulators to ensure that their products are compliant with human rights and environmental standards. The only way for companies to ensure their supply chains are "clean" is by mapping their supply chains down the raw materials using auditable, verifiable data.

What is the difference between the upstream and downstream supply chain?

Downstream is logistics. Where are the pair of sneakers that I ordered, and when will they arrive from the warehouse to the store? Sourcemap is not a logistics solution provider.

Sourcemap maps the end to end upstream supply chain. Where was the leather sourced that was used to make that pair of sneakers, and how many suppliers did that pair of sneakers have to go through as it was being made?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is supply chain mapping?

People have been mapping supply chains as long as they’ve been making maps. But traditional maps only provide a summary view - they don't show how supply chains change in real time. Modern supply chain mapping is the process of engaging across companies and suppliers to document the exact source of every material, every process and every shipment involved in bringing goods to market. Accurate supply chain mapping only became possible with the rise of online maps and the social web. The first online supply chain mapping platform was developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2008 (the underlying open source technology is the basis for Sourcemap). Read More

Why are companies moving towards more transparent supply chains?

The concept of supply chain transparency was virtually unknown 15 years ago, yet today it commands the attention of mid- and senior-level managers across a broad spectrum of companies and industries.

The reasons for this increased interest are clear: Companies are under pressure from governments, consumers, NGOs, and other stakeholders to divulge more information about their supply chains, and the reputational cost of failing to meet these demands can be high. For example, food companies are facing more demand for supply-chain-related information about ingredients, food fraud, animal welfare, and child labor. Less clear, however, is how to define transparency in a supply chain context and the extent to which companies should pursue it: an MIT study that mapped definitions of supply chain transparency related to labor practices in the apparel industry found vastly different definitions across organizations.

How are customs compliance and supply chain mapping related?

Companies are under increased pressure from governments and regulators to ensure that their products are compliant with human rights and environmental standards. The only way for companies to ensure their supply chains are "clean" is by mapping their supply chains down the raw materials using auditable, verifiable data.

What is the difference between the upstream and downstream supply chain?

Downstream is logistics. Where are the pair of sneakers that I ordered, and when will they arrive from the warehouse to the store? Sourcemap is not a logistics solution provider.

Sourcemap maps the end to end upstream supply chain. Where was the leather sourced that was used to make that pair of sneakers, and how many suppliers did that pair of sneakers have to go through as it was being made?

Let Us Help You Address Global Supply Chain Visibility Obligations With Confidence

Let Us Help You Address Global Supply Chain Visibility Obligations With Confidence

Let Us Help You Address Global Supply Chain Visibility Obligations With Confidence