EUDR Solution

The EU Deforestation Regulation has the most stringent supply chain mapping requirements of any global due diligence regulation; mapping and verifying deforestation-free status for thousands of farms requires automation to work at scale

Suppliers Mapped

EUDR Solution

The EU Deforestation Regulation has the most stringent supply chain mapping requirements of any global due diligence regulation; mapping and verifying deforestation-free status for thousands of farms requires automation to work at scale

Suppliers Mapped

EUDR Solution

The EU Deforestation Regulation has the most stringent supply chain mapping requirements of any global due diligence regulation; mapping and verifying deforestation-free status for thousands of farms requires automation to work at scale

Suppliers Mapped


Farm and Forest Mapping

Sourcemap has over 12 years of experience in collecting accurate and complete mapping data for millions of farm and forest polygons, and the only bulk geo-data collection interface with real-time feedback. 


Deforestation-Free Verification

Verify every farm and forest against EU-recommended deforestation/degradation and biodiversity heat maps instantly and actionably, with reports you can immediately send to suppliers in case corrective action is needed.


Deforestation-Free Verification

Verify every farm and forest against EU-recommended deforestation/degradation and biodiversity heat maps instantly and actionably, with reports you can immediately send to suppliers in case corrective action is needed.


Deforestation-Free Verification

Verify every farm and forest against EU-recommended deforestation/degradation and biodiversity heat maps instantly and actionably, with reports you can immediately send to suppliers in case corrective action is needed.


Shipment Traceability

Collect traceability to farm/forest for every EU-bound shipment and HS code via intuitive onscreen interface, with error detection and deforestation-free certification in real time.


Shipment Traceability

Collect traceability to farm/forest for every EU-bound shipment and HS code via intuitive onscreen interface, with error detection and deforestation-free certification in real time.


Shipment Traceability

Collect traceability to farm/forest for every EU-bound shipment and HS code via intuitive onscreen interface, with error detection and deforestation-free certification in real time.


Reporting to EU


Generate the required EUDR Due Diligence Statement (DDS) instantly for every shipment and submit it to the EU portal.

Exporters and Domestic Traders

Combine import DDS Reference Numbers into a raw material report for EU submission.


Supplier Legality

Ensure suppliers have the proper due diligence practices in place through a risk-based assessment including document collection where necessary. Sourcemap is a single stop for the entire legality process: 

  • Custom legality SAQ's

  • Collect, scan, and securely stores evidence documents

  • Invite auditors directly


Integrity Checks / Plausibility of Harvest

Ensure that trading volumes correspond to productivity of farms and forests and that sufficient terrain has been mapped and monitored for deforestation so that no undeclared source contributes to inbound shipments.


Integrity Checks / Plausibility of Harvest

Ensure that trading volumes correspond to productivity of farms and forests and that sufficient terrain has been mapped and monitored for deforestation so that no undeclared source contributes to inbound shipments.


Integrity Checks / Plausibility of Harvest

Ensure that trading volumes correspond to productivity of farms and forests and that sufficient terrain has been mapped and monitored for deforestation so that no undeclared source contributes to inbound shipments.


ERP Integration: SAP, Oracle, Nexus

Sourcemap's API-based microservices architecture allows organizations to address the services they need automatically and in parallel with existing vendor, product and transaction databases.


ERP Integration: SAP, Oracle, Nexus

Sourcemap's API-based microservices architecture allows organizations to address the services they need automatically and in parallel with existing vendor, product and transaction databases.


ERP Integration: SAP, Oracle, Nexus

Sourcemap's API-based microservices architecture allows organizations to address the services they need automatically and in parallel with existing vendor, product and transaction databases.


Supplier Engagement

Sourcermap has more than a decade of experience in deploying large-scale large-scale supply chain mapping in new industries. The process is supported every step of the way by an expert international supplier engagement team responsible for every stage of mapping including onboarding, training, technical support, and ongoing reminders to keep the supply chain map up-to-date.


Supplier Engagement

Sourcermap has more than a decade of experience in deploying large-scale large-scale supply chain mapping in new industries. The process is supported every step of the way by an expert international supplier engagement team responsible for every stage of mapping including onboarding, training, technical support, and ongoing reminders to keep the supply chain map up-to-date.


Supplier Engagement

Sourcermap has more than a decade of experience in deploying large-scale large-scale supply chain mapping in new industries. The process is supported every step of the way by an expert international supplier engagement team responsible for every stage of mapping including onboarding, training, technical support, and ongoing reminders to keep the supply chain map up-to-date.


Policy Team

Sourcemap's Policy team informs every aspect of the EUDR solution including continuous updates and upgrades included for all customers, and regular updates from our conversations with regulators in Brussels.


Policy Team

Sourcemap's Policy team informs every aspect of the EUDR solution including continuous updates and upgrades included for all customers, and regular updates from our conversations with regulators in Brussels.


Policy Team

Sourcemap's Policy team informs every aspect of the EUDR solution including continuous updates and upgrades included for all customers, and regular updates from our conversations with regulators in Brussels.

Let Us Help You Address Global Supply Chain Visibility Obligations With Confidence

Let Us Help You Address Global Supply Chain Visibility Obligations With Confidence

Let Us Help You Address Global Supply Chain Visibility Obligations With Confidence